Ways in which you can apply gaming technology to solve real world problems.

Aakash Gupta
1 min readMay 30, 2021


Gaming technology is an extremely powerful resource for real-world problem solving that has not been adequately tapped. Instead of just making their way through virtual game worlds solving fictional problems, gamers have the ability to collaborate with scientists and specialists from many different fields to tackle challenges that have yet to see solutions.

games are all about taking complex problems, making them relatable and personal through narrative and interactivity

Cracking the code to a protein’s fold could lead to new ways of combating disease, creating vaccines or designing new biofuels, using large-scale distributed computing to predict the three-dimensional structure of various proteins — or determine how proteins fold can be done with gaming technology.

Gaming technology can be used to train brain to make a fast decisions, can improve how you work with others in team-based environments, improve you motor skills, vision, balance, and dyslexia symptoms, reduce stress and anxiety overall, and even curb food and drug cravings. And that is just how gaming technology can help you on a personal level to solve real world problems.

